Currently Caribbean music is raising the bar of online entertainment. The presentation with little resources is insane. The turn to Mixcloud or Twitch has been slow but is growing. More and More djs have stopped djing on IG and have moved over. IG doesn't want us there.

Technology is pretty much the same for Caribbean people. Same bad infrastructure not allowing the best wifi. But the stage design and performance still unmatched

I began streaming Just as wanting to be ambitious. Widen my audience. Covid made me see a lane that wasnt really done on a major level. I just need to continue to do what I was already doing to capture this new attention everyone was giving for the internet. Quarantine Clash was my first big return to Live video shows. The biggest obstacle is of course...wifi.

So far the ways I have been able to see money thru streaming has been sponsorship and pay per view. Sponsorship is hard to just get, but pay per view shows work. Some dj on onlyfans or go to private ppv sites. You gotta build that audience. Without that no way you can make money from streaming.☯
Quarantine clash was actually motivated by my purchase of a website I bought the site and then did nothing with it. When Covid hit I realized I could use the site to start to do online clashes. I got a web designer immediately and just started going.
I Called each clash Quarantine Clash for the obvious reasons, and it took off. I partnered with Mad decent to show the clashes on Major Lazers channels and then with Mattia from Warrior Sound Germany who was already streaming in this space. There were and still are lots of challenges. #1 again, wifi. second is making it look like a big production. Mattia spent lots of time on that.
Been building this for 25 years.
The influences come directly from the community. I give exactly what I know they want.
Becoming a cultural connector was important to me. I cant tell someone else how to do, you just have to do it. But after traveling the world i realized black people were really not connected to each other and so I wanted to see that happen.
Positive vibes is easy for me. its who I am. I know what the worst is so anything else is smiles and joy.
I don't like to give advice because my journey is not someone else's journey. I stay on top of what I do by continuing to bring new and creative ideas to what I do. My business is in its artistry.
Fashion is overall inspired by Caribbean culture and the dancehall space. Clarks, mesh marina, rasta belt the whole thing. I always look at the big brands and feel so disconnected. I look at Gucci and I see another persons culture. And I cant see why I would pay for another persons culture when mines is so dope. And when I buy from my culture my culture supports me. Gucci never will.
Fave designers are Daily Paper, Filling Pieces, BK Circus, Rebels to Dons.
Favorite place to travel is Africa. Too much to say about it, just the best.
Being an MC is something I learned when MCing was at its height. So I watched and learned from the best. If someone wants to be the best in anything, they can be once they put in the work.